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文档介绍:影响风格问卷 INFLUENCE STYLE QUESTIONNAIRE 课前作业说明 PRE - PROGRAM ASSIGNMENT Introduction 影响风格问卷帮助您更好地了解自己的影响风格。 This Influence Style Questionnaires(ISQ) help you to find out more about your influence style. 问卷有两大部分,请按说明完成。 The ISQ contains two parts that we need you following instructions to plish it. 第一部分,请您回忆一些特定的人和特定的事件,从两个情境:成功发挥影响的情景、比较不成功发挥影响的情景,进行自我测评。 First part of ISQ you have plete self - rating via two scenarios, productive and less than productive working relationship. 第二部分,请邀请您需要影响且对您来说重要的人物来完成这部分测评。他们可能是您的经理、直属上司、客户、同事、家庭成员或社区成员。 Second part you distributed the ISQ to someone who are important for you to influence. They may be managers, direct reports, customers, clients, peers 、a family member or someone in munity. ※成功情境是指,我们能得到自己想要的结果,而且不需要挣扎思考该怎么说,同时对方仍然喜欢我们! ※ Where you get what you want, you don ’t struggle about how to say what you want to say, and the other person still likes you! 请将本课前作业打印出来带到课堂上 Please bring the Pre - program Assignment to the class. 1 自我测评-影响比较成功情境影响风格问卷 1: 自我测评—影响比较成功情境 INFLUENCE STYLE QUESTIONNAIRE1: SELF - ASSESSMENT - PRODUCTIVE WORKING RELATIONSHIP 说明 INSTRUCTIONS 请回忆当您在影响比较成功情境中所表现出的典型行为, 并回答每个问题。请以您当时的实际行为作答, 而不是您希望的行为。 Base your answer to each question on how you think you typically act in the presence of the person you have in mind. Record how you think you actually behave not how you would like to behave. 记分标准: Enter the number: 评分具体描述 1 您极少做题目中描述的行为 If you rarely do what is described in the statement; 2 您偶尔做题目中描述的行为 If you do what is described occasionally but infrequently; 3 您有时候做题目中描述的行为 If you do what is described an average amount; 4 您经常做题目中描述的行为 If you do what is described fairly often; 5 您频繁做题目中描述的行为 If you do what is described frequently; ③如果您不能确定,请选 3分,并在 3上画个圈。 If you cannot decide, insert a 3, and circle it. Include it in your total. 第1 份问卷- 自我测评- 影响比较成功情境 ISQ 1- Self assessment - Productive working relationship 序号题目评分 1主动提出建议,以激发富有活力的讨论 Offer proposals vigorously to stimulate energetic discussion. 2提出简短切题的论证 Pr