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中欧青年宣言 2016 北京.docx

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中欧青年宣言 2016 北京.docx

上传人:aluyuw1 2016/7/2 文件大小:0 KB


中欧青年宣言 2016 北京.docx



文档介绍:中欧青年倡议 EU-C HINA Y OUTH L EADERS S TATEMENT 北京, 2011 年 10 月 24 日 B EIJING , 24 O CTOBER 2011 中欧领导人在第十二次中欧领导人会晤上提出了关于举办 2011 中欧青年交流年的倡议。中欧青年交流年是中欧合作史上最大规模的一次人文交流活动,具有重要的意义。 Recalling the significance of the 2011 EU-China Year of Youth, initiated by European Union and Chinese leaders on 12th China-EU Summit, as an unprecedented people-to-people exchange in EU-China partnership; 2011 中欧青年交流年期间举办了 100 多项活动,参与规模大,覆盖面广, 取得了丰硕的成果,加强了中欧青年之间的跨文化对话、相互了解和友谊,促进了中欧青年和青年组织之间的共识和合作。 Appreciating the role played by the mission, the All China Youth Federation and the European Youth Forum in the implementation of the Year, the strengthening of their cooperation in field of youth and the enhancement of the youth dimension in EU-China partnership as well as the participation and contribution of Chinese and European young people and anisations in this policy dialogue. 我们高度赞赏全国青联、欧盟委员会和欧洲青年论坛在中欧青年交流年的实施过程中所扮演的角色,对于加强青年领域合作、中欧关系中的青年交流、中欧青年和青年组织参与和促进政策对话起到了积极的作用。 Appreciating the role played by the mission, the All China Youth Federation and the European Youth Forum in the implementation of the Year, the strengthening of their cooperation in field of youth and the enhancement of the youth dimension in EU-China partnership as well as the participation and contribution of Chinese and European young people and anisations in this policy dialogue. 2011 年是欧洲志愿者年,也是国际志愿者年,我们高度重视中欧青年交流年期间志愿服务所发挥的重要作用及志愿者们所做出的