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文档介绍:课程: 公共英语学****情境子学****情境名称子情境学****情境一:Greeting 子情境一子情境二学****情境二:Asking for and giving information 子情境一子情境二学****情境三:Talking about goods 子情境一子情境二学****情境四:Entertaining guests ataparty 子情境一子情境二学****情境五:Talking about one's hobbies 子情境一子情境二学****情境六:Ordering food 子情境一子情境二学****情境七:Talking about sports 子情境一子情境二学****情境八:Asking for and giving direction 子情境一子情境二学****情境九:Applying to join aclub 子情境一子情境二学****情境十:Asking for and giving advice 子情境一学****情境十:Asking for and giving advice 子情境二课程: 公共英语子学****情境名称情境描述负责人员安排名称 Understand greetings indaily talk and respond appropriately 黄如 Write personal informatioin required inaname card Use can totalk about one's abilities; 田雪琴 Understand description ofone's abilities inaform Ask for and give information about goods 丁酸令 Make ashopping list Talk aobut the weather and offer service appropriately 严惠芳 Understand aninvitaiton toaparty and write amemo Use "Ilove/like …"to talk aobut one's hobbies 罗文禅 Understand ashort passage onone's hobbies and write ashort passage onone's hobbies Talk aobut restaurants and food 罗小娟 Understand menus and parisons Talk about sports and describe actions 肖陶 Understand ane-mail onsports games and write a report onafamous player Ask for and give direction 曾建媚 Identity traffic signs and write directions according togiven information Talk about club requirement and activities; ask for and give information about clubs;apply tojoin aclub 陈蓉 Understand club posters and write r


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