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文档介绍:陕西师范大学 2012 级免费师范教育硕士英语试题注意事项: 一、本试题共 10 页,满分 100 分。答案一律写在答题纸上,否则无效。二、做选择题时,将所选答案书写在答题纸对应题号后的( ) 三、中英文尽可能做到字迹清晰、书写工整、疏密相间均匀、字体大小适当。四、英文作文必须逐行书写不得隔行或跳行。 Part I Vocabulary and Structure (20%) Directions : There are 20 plete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B,Cand D. Choose the ONE answer that pletes the sentence .1. My job varies between the extremely tedious and the annoyingly busy. ______ I think I am happier during the real busy times: no time to think about how bored I am. A. On balance B. In addition C. Furthermore D. Aside from 2. We are all in favor of your proposal that the meeting ______. A. is called off B. should call off C. is tobe called off called off , I walked my dear father. A. Exhausted and hungry B. Having been exhausted and hungry C. Being exhausted and hungry D. To be exhausted and hungry stood still, trying to______ a plausible excuse. A. create B. produce C. invent D. design new technique ______ out, the output asa whole increased by15 percent. A. working B. having worked C. having been worked D to have been worked 6. She thinks it’s time we ______ free school meals. A. did for B. did with C. did without D. did away with 7. He never regretted paying 300 Yuan for the bookcase. As a matter of fact he would gladly have paid ______ for it. A. as much twice B. twice as much C. much as twice D as twice much 8. He was attending a meeting, e to your birthday party then. A. unless he would have would C. nevertheless he did not Dorhe would have 9. He ______ the job ______ because it involved too much traveling. A. turned … down B. turned … away C. turned off D turned … over 10. They have made changes in their plans for a new science park as you . A. suggested B. have suggested C. had suggested D. suggest 11. In some areas of northwest China, intensive farming has brought about severe_____ of the land, which accounted for poor harvest in recent years. A. deforestation B. dejection C. del


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