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上传人:阳仔仔 2021/9/25 文件大小:841 KB





文档介绍:promotion of empl oyment, form a reasonabl e and order ly pattern of income distribution, build a m ore fair and sustainable social se curity systems, me dical a nd health system reform. The ple nary, innovation of social gover nance, must focus on the maintena nce of fundamental interest s of the over whelming majority of the pe opl e, maximize factors, e nha nce social devel opme nt, improvi ng social gover nance, the interests of nati onal security, e nsure that the people live a nd w ork, social sta bility and order. o improve socia l governa nce, stimulating social organi zation, innovative and effective system of preventi ng and resolvi ng social confli cts, improvi ng the public security system, set up the Nati ona l Security Council, nati onal security systems and nati onal security strategy to ensure nati onal security. Plenary sessi on, t he constr ucti on of ecologi cal civ ilization, you must esta blish systems of ecol ogical sy stem, usi ng the system to protect the ecologi cal env onment. o improve natural resour ces asset property right system and use control, re d line of delimitation of ecological
protecti on, resour ces paid use system and ecologi cal compe nsation system in e col ogical environment pr otection manageme nt system reform. Plenary session, ce ntering on buildi ng a liste ning party command, ca n win a nd having a fine style of the pe opl e's army, a strong army under the new sit uation of the party Goal s, restricti ng the development of nati onal defense and army buil ding is solved outsta ndi ng contradi ctions and problems, i nnovation and devel opment of military theory, enhance military strategic gui dance, im prove the military strategy in the new period, buil ding a modern mi litary force system with Chine se characteristi cs. o deepe n the adjustme nt of personnel system reform in the army, military poli cy and system reform, promote the devel opme nt of military and civilian i ntegration dept h. Ple nary se ssion stressed


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