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雅思口语-Describe one of your best friends_雅思口语.docx

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雅思口语-Describe one of your best friends_雅思口语.docx

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雅思口语-Describe one of your best friends_雅思口语.docx


文档介绍:智课网 IELTS 备考资料雅思口语:Describe one of your best friends_ 雅思口语 My college roommate Nancy is one of my best friends in my life. She's the oldest one in our dorm, so we all call her big sis. She's like, the most beautiful girl I've ever met. Her sparkling eyes, and the killer smile, really made a great first impression on me. We met on the Orientation Day. She was dressed ina white T-shirt and black shorts, which really brought out her slim figure. She sat next to me and seemed super friendly, soI just struck up a conversation with her. We really hit it off, I mean, we went on and on about our likes and dislikes, and it turned out, we basically had the same interests! Like, we are both crazy about American TV series, and we both can't stand Korean soap operas. It really gave me a sense of belonging back then, to know that there's someone who can be my friend when I was pletely new environment. We spent 4 years together, and she' like the sister I've never had. It seemed that she could read my mind and she was always able to fin