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上传人:国霞穿越 2021/9/27 文件大小:21 KB




文档介绍:: .
Dual Yellow Oral Liquid Manual
Please read the in struct ions carefully, purchase and take Dual Yellow Oral Liquid
accord ing to the in struct ions or un der the guida nee of the physicia n.
【Drug Name]
Common n ame: Dual yellow Oral Liquid
Chin ese phon etic alphabets: shua ng hua ng lia n kou fu ye
【Ingredients ] Flos lonicerae, radix scutellariae, fructus forsythia.
Auxiliary materials are sucrose, esse nee, purified water
【Characters ] Brown clear liquid with sweet and bitter taste
【Indications ] Dispelling wind,clearing heat and removing toxicity. For the
treatme nt of the in flue nza due to win d-heat, with the symptoms like fever, cough and sore throat.
【Specificati on ] 10 ml per vial
【Usage and Dosage] Orally two vials each time and three times a day; children reduce
the dosage or follow doctor ' s advice.
【ADRsi Accord ing to the literature, the adverse drug react ions after take n Dual Yellow Oral Liquid ' s are as belows: upper respiratory tract infection causes a reduct ion in symptoms the n ext day, but develops cuta neous pruritus on the body, and skin rash; moreover, develops maculopapule of all sizes.
【Contraindication ] Not sure yet.
【Notes ]
1. Avoid tobacco, alcohol and spicy, cold, greasy food.
2. Avoid to take tonic medici ne at the same time
3. Not for com mon col