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ne, it, that常常用来代替或避免重复某个名词。例如:
① I'm looking for a flat. I'd really like one with a garden.
② -Where did you find your watch? - I find it in our classroom.
③ The populati on of China is larger tha n that of any other coun try.
ne可指人或物,只替代单数可数名词,复数用 on es. One是泛指,但有限定修
饰语,如the, this, that…修饰就变成了特指。如:
① One must do on e's duty. ② Mary has a red pen cil and Jane has a blue one.
③ The new desig ns are much better tha n the old on es.
3. that只指物,不指人,可替代可数名词或不可数名词,具有“特指”性质。指 的是同类事物中的另一样东西,即同类异物。
女口: The library of our school is bigger than that of yours.(that 代替的是另一个图书 馆。)
4. One和that在代替可数名词时,如果没有前置定语只有后置定语时,the one 和that可互换。但该名词如有前置定语,则只能用 the one而不能用that。例如:
① I will take the seat next to the on e(=that)by the win dow 我就坐窗口的那个座位旁 边。
② I prefer the large box to the small one.(one不可用 that 替换 )。
5. That的复数形式those代替可数名词的复数。可指人或物,一般后面跟修饰 语。如:
① Today's cellph ones are smaller tha n those(=the on es)used in the past.
② The students who do best in exam are not always those(=the ones) with the best brains.
6. the one(ones或that ,those指代某一名词做定语从句的先行词时,其关系代词 which在that之后,which不能省略,而在the one ones之后,which可省略。女口:
① Their problem today is somewhat similar to that which they faced many years ago.
7. 代替不可数名词时,应该用 that。如:The equipment is different from that