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文档介绍:雅思中国网好的雅思咨询和资料下载就在沪江雅思:?boardid=57 雅思频道更有新内容噢:http://ielts./ 22个雅思命题写作思路 1. Smoking For:(means agree or advantages) 1. it is pleasurable and relaxing 2. it is one's right 3. it is difficult to stop smoking 6. it makes socializing easier 7. it is an important source of tax revenue Against: (means disagree or disadvantages) 1. it is harmful to one's health (., heart disease, bronchial trouble, lung cancer ) 2. it is harmful to those nearby 4. it is addictive (., nicotine) 2. School Uniforms 1. they eliminate class differences 2. they allow students to better concentrate on their studies 3. they are popular with parents and administrators 4. they are inexpensive 5. they are attractive and neat 6. they eliminate the need to choose what to wear every day 7. many countries have them 1. they are disliked by students (students like to primp) 2. they create a military mentality 3. they are an infringement on our freedom (different strokes for different folks) 4. they are ugly and childish 3. Legalized Gambling 1. it is a source of government revenue 2. it is an old practice dating back thousands of years 3. it is pleasurable (., horse racing, casinos) 4. many people play poker and mahjong 1. it can e addictive 2. it can destroy happy families 3. it can lead to suicide is easily controlled by the Mafia (., bookmakers ) 4. City Life 雅


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