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文档介绍:I 摘要小型超市规模的发展不断扩大,商品数量急剧增加,为了方便消费者,超市需时时刻刻对商品对各种信息进行统计和分析。传统的人工方式管理存在很多的缺点, 如产生大量的冗余文件和数据。面对这些问题, 我们在此次课程设计中以超市销售管理系统的设计与实现为研究课题,对此系统进行了全面的设计。超市销售管理系统主要由会员管理、库存管理、销售管理、系统管理四部分组成。它的内容对于超市的销售人员和管理者乃至顾客来说都很重要, 所以超市销售管理系统的设计与实现应该能够为用户提供充足的信息和快捷的查询手段。其次,对系统设计过程中的一些技术难点和实现方法进行叙述。其中主要包括添加、删除、修改、查询及打印功能的实现。一个完整系统的设计,当然就离不开后台环境的支持, 系统开发工具使用的是 Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 来开发,后台数据库采用 Sql2008 数据库,利用 c# 提供的各种面向过程的开发工具, 且可扩展的编程环境, 基本上实现了一个运行稳定,操作方便,功能完备的员工培训管理系统。关键词超市管理、销售、管理信息系统 Abstract Small supermarkets expanding the scale ofdevelopment, the quantity has increased dramatically, for the convenience ofconsumers, supermarkets need toevery moment for goods ofall kinds ofinformation statistics and analysis. The traditional artificial way management exists many ings, such as toproduce alot ofredundant files and data. Facing these problems, wein the curriculum design for supermarket sales management system design and implementation ofresearch topic, for the overall design ofthis system. Supermarket sales management system posed ofmember management, inventory management, sales management, system management offour parts. Its contents for supermarket sales staff and managers and customers are very important, sothe supermarket sales management system design and implementation should beable toprovide users with adequate information and fast query tool. Second, some technical difficulties inthe process ofsystem design and implementation methods are described. Mainly including add, delete, modify, query, and the realization ofthe function ofprint. Design plete system, ofcourse, itcan't depart from the support of the background environment, system development tool used byMicrosoft Visual Studio 2010 istodevelop, the background database USES Sql2008 database, using c#provides avariety ofprocess oriented development tools, and 北京理工大学现代远程(继续)教育学院毕业设计(论文) II extensible programming environment, basically implements astable running, easy tooperate, fully functional staff training management syst


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