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文档介绍:movie 2017/2/27 3 a small black hat a moustache a stick very wide trousers a pair of big black shoes 这些鲜明的形象灵感来自于他幼年时的生活环境。 The most interesting thing is the image that he created for us ---Wearing a top hat ,nose and just a pinch( 一撮,少量) of black mustache( 胡子) ,tight jackets and loose( 宽松的) trousers to wear on his body ,like a duck appear on screen . 生活中的他? Born Charles Spencer Chaplin 16 April 1889(1889 -04-16) Walworth , London, England ?他当过报童、杂货店小夥计、玩具小贩、医生的小佣人、吹玻璃的小工人,还在游艺场扫过地。? 早年的贫困生活启发了他后来创造流浪汉的灵感;小胡须、细手杖、大号裤子及皮鞋, 以及歪歪扭扭的正式晚礼服, 暗示了在儿童天真的想象中的威严的***,意在用一个天真无邪的形象重新塑一个下层阶级的代表。一、 1913 年随卡尔诺哑剧团去美国演出, 被美国导演 M. 塞纳特看中,开始电影生涯二、 1914 年2月7日,头戴圆顶礼帽、手持竹手杖、足登大皮靴、走路像鸭子的流浪汉夏尔洛的形象首次出现在影片《威尼斯儿童赛车记》中这一形象成为卓别林喜剧片的标志三、 1952 年,他受到麦卡锡主义的迫害, 被迫离开美国,定居瑞士。在瑞士期间, 他拍摄了尖锐讽刺麦卡锡主义的影片《一个国王在纽约》。四、 1972 年,美国隆重邀请卓别林回到好莱坞,授予他奥斯卡终身成就奖, 称他“在本世纪为电影艺术作出不可估量的贡献”。“ Tramp ”流浪汉 1915 Charles is a dethroned the tramp street, a good honest, in order to remedy other rangers, he even his sandwich to someone else. By chance, he met a farmer's daughter, in the process of help them, happened unexpected things... Looks like today, the film's value completely beyond the story itself. “ Modern Times ”(摩登时代),1936 "Modern times" is Charlie Chaplin in gave up with the pen to describe the unemployment problem later, after three years of hard work, and cost $ million made into a film. The film is a silent film Chaplin finally.