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听力重点词汇--四六级 托福.docx

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听力重点词汇--四六级 托福.docx

上传人:luyinyzhi 2016/7/4 文件大小:0 KB


听力重点词汇--四六级 托福.docx



文档介绍:1 听力场景分类重点词汇—四六级+ 托福三、特殊情景用语(分场合列出) (1) Airplane (在飞机上) 名词: seat, wing ( 机翼), flight ( 班机), safe-belt ( 安全带), boarding card ( 登机卡), first class ( 头等舱), economy class (经济舱), air hostess (空中小姐) 动词: land (降落), take off (起飞), get one ’s ticket punched (剪票), board the plane (登机) (2) Airport (在机场); 名词: arrival /departure time (飞机抵/ 离时间), booking office (售票处), flight reservation (机票预订), ticket agent (售票代理人) 动词: confirm the flight (确认航班), write out a ticket (开出机票) (3)A partment (在公寓楼房): 名词: resident manager ( 公寓出租代理人), landlord/landlady (男/ 女房主), rent ( 房租), utilities (水电煤气等设施或费用), deposit ( 押金), vacancy ( 空房额), occupancy ( 无空房), basement (地下室), bedroom (卧室), studio (工作室) (4) Art gallery / Museum (在艺术陈列馆/ 博物馆): 名词: exhibit (展品), carving (雕刻作品), sculpture (雕塑作品), oil/watercolor painting (油画/ 水彩画), admission price (门票价格), student ’s discount rate (学生折扣门票价格) (5) Bank (在银行): 名词: cash ( 现钞), check ( 支票), traveler ’s check ( 旅行支票), account ( 银行户头), exchange rate (汇率), interest (利息), savings (存款), teller (现金出纳) 动词: cash a check ( 把支票兑换成现款), open a savings/checking/joint account ( 开立一个现金/ 支票/ 夫妻户头), withdraw (取款), deposit (存款) (6) Barbershop/Hairdresser ’s (在男/ 女理发店): 名词: cut (剪发), shampoo (洗头), top (头顶的头发), (hair) over the ears (双耳上端处的头发), back (后脑勺上的头发), hairdo (发式) 动词: blow the hair (吹风), have a perm (烫发), trim the hair (把头发修修齐) (7) Bookstore (在书店): 名词: book, dictionary, periodicals (期刊), e