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埃博拉病毒 Ebola.ppt

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埃博拉病毒 Ebola.ppt

上传人:wangzhidaol 2016/7/4 文件大小:0 KB


埃博拉病毒 Ebola.ppt



文档介绍:Ebola The Deadly African Virus Presented by Claudia Hacker Ebola Virus Introduction ? First appeared in Africa 1976 ?“ African Hemorrhagic Fever ”– acute,mostly fatal disease – causes blood vessel “ bursting ”– systemic (ans/tissues) – humans and nonhuman primates ? Excluding ‘ 2000 outbreak – 1,500 cases – over 1,000 deaths Ebola Taxonomy Scientific Classification Order: Mononegavirales Family: Filoviridae Genus: Ebola like viruses Species: Ebola Subtypes – Ebola-Zaire, Ebola-Sudan,Ebola-Ivory Coast ? disease in humans – Ebola-Reston ? disease in nonhuman primates Copyrighted Dr. Fre : derick A. Murphy, ., . 1976. Filoviridae or“ Filoviruses ”? Most mysterious virus group ? Pathogenesis poorly understood ? Ebola – natural history/reservoirs unknown – exist throughout the world – endemic to Africa – filamentous ssRNA - (antisense) viruses Image courtesy of the Centers for Disease Control Ebola Pathogenesis ? Enters Bloodstream – skin, membranes,open wounds ? Cell Level – docks with cell membrane ? Viral RNA – released into cytoplasm – production new viral proteins/ ic material ? New viral genomes – rapidly coated in protein – create cores Copyright: Russell Kightley Media, Australia Ebola Pathogenesis, cont ? Viral cores – stack up in cell – migrate to the cell surface – produce trans-membrane proteins – push through cell surface – e enveloped by cell membrane ? ssRNA - Genome Mutations – capable of rapid mutation – very adaptable to evade host defenses and environmental change ? Theory – virus evolved to occupy special niches in the wild Symptoms and Diagnostic Tests ? Early symptoms – muscle aches, fever, vomiting – red eyes, skin rash, diarrhea, stomach pain ? Acute symptoms – bleeding/hemorrhaging from skin, orifices, ans ? Early Diagnosis ? very difficult ? signs & symptoms very similar to other infections ? Laboratory Test ? PCR detection ? ELISA (enzyme-linked immuno - absorbant ) assay Treatment ? No Standard