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托福阅读背景材料 什么人适合创业.docx

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托福阅读背景材料 什么人适合创业.docx

上传人:luyinyzha 2016/7/4 文件大小:0 KB


托福阅读背景材料 什么人适合创业.docx



文档介绍:托福阅读背景材料什么人适合创业摘要:本文和大家分享的是托福阅读资料之什么人适合创业,大家在备考时多积累阅读素材,有助于托福阅读成绩的提升,希望大家都能取得理想的托福考试成绩。近年来,越来越多的年轻人选择自主创业。这固然是一件好事,但是创业并不是一件容易的事情,有些人适合,有些人不适合。那么今天的托福阅读材料就为大家讲解什么样的人适合创业。 Starting a business isa lot like ing a parent. Not only do you have to prepare for your start-up emotionally and financially , but you have to mitted to its constant needs until it's mature enough to hum along on its own. And even then (much like a child) it will always need you in some capacity , no matter how old it gets. 创业很像当父母。你不仅要在感情上和财务上为自己的企业做好准备,还必须满足它持续不断的需求, 直到它足够成熟可以自行运转。即便到了那个时候(很像长大的孩子),它仍然总是需要你投入一定的精力, 无论它有多么成熟。 Here are five questions to ask before you start your own business : 在你考虑自立门户之前,不妨问问自己以下五个问题: 1. AmI passionate about my product or service? 我对自己的产品或者服务充满热情吗? Let's face it: the start-up phase is stressful. You will find yourself questioning whether you've made the right decision , especially when the hours are long and the initial profits (if any) are lean. As the business owner , you're also chief salesperson for pany. Your enthusiasm for your product or service — whether it's hand-knit sweaters or top-notch tax preparation — is often the difference that hooks customers , lands deals and attracts investors. It's unwise to start down the path of entrepreneurship unless you've got a zeal that will get you through rough patches and keep you interested long after the initial enthusiasm has