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文档介绍:Romeo and Juliet in English formerly ['f ? :m ? li] known as The Most Excellent and Lamentable ['l ?m? nt? bl] Tragedy ['tr ?d? idi] of Romeo and Juliet, known as Romeo and Juliet. 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》,英文原名为 The Most Excellent and Lamentable Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet ,简写为 Romeo and Juliet 。"Story in Viilo city, two giant family of birth, status undiminished [' ? ndi'mini ? t] feud [fju:d] sparked a new row, the blood [bl ? d] of the people of white hand stain [stein] bribes. Destiny ['destini], the two foes [f ? u] gave birth to a pair of hapless lover ······ " After a broad opening poem, the spread [spred] for hundreds of years of the famous love tragedy ['tr ?d? idi] opened the curtain ['k ? :tn]. “故事发生在维洛那名城,有两家门第相当的巨族,累世的宿怨激起了新争,鲜血把市民的白手污渎。是命运注定这两家仇敌,生下了一对不幸的恋人······”在一首概括性的开场诗后,这部流传了几百年的著名爱情悲剧拉开了帷幕。 Romeo and Juliet about two people in love at first sight the ball behind know each other's identity [ai'dentiti], the last two people to work together, Juliet first suit [su:t] false drugs [dr ? gz], woke up to find Romeo killed herself, have been killed herself. 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》讲述二人于舞会一见钟情后方知对方身份,最后二人为了在一起,朱丽叶先服假毒,醒来发现罗密欧自尽,也相继自尽的故事。 Romeo and Juliet, which appears in the lyric ['lirik] image ['imid ? ] of a large number of forms, is not found in other tragedies of William Shakespeare. Fully immersed [i'm ? :st] in the love of the heroine in the drama ['dr ɑ :m ? ] of enthusiasm [in' θ ju:zi ?z? m], desire [di'zai ? ], second act second CAPULET Garden, Juliet feelings for months, showed young men and women passionate ['p ??? nit] emotional [i'm ?u ?? nl] exchanges [iks't ? eind ? ] and don't find it difficult to tear apart, playing is a touching love songs sensibility of young Carol. 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中所出现的大量的抒情意象形式,是莎士比亚其他悲剧中所没有的。戏剧中的男女主人公完全沉浸在对爱情的热忱、向往之中,第二幕第二场凯普莱特家花园中,朱丽叶对月的抒怀,表现了青年男女热情的情感交流和相别时的难舍难分,弹奏的是一曲曲情意缠绵的爱的青春颂歌。(情景) 朱丽叶:明天我应该在什么时候叫人来看你 罗密欧:就在九点钟吧。 朱丽叶:我一定不失信,挨到那个时候,该有 20 年那么长久,我记不起为什么要叫你回来了。 罗密欧:让我站在这儿,等你记起了告诉我。 朱丽叶:你这样站在我的面前,我一心想着多么爱跟你在一块儿,一定永远记不起来了。