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上传人:hytkxy 2016/7/4 文件大小:0 KB





文档介绍:黑龙江大学硕士学位论文 Abstract Language taboo ismainly related with the death,disease,sex,excretion,form ofaddress and has rated into every aspect say that werestricted bythe language taboo every expressions will hurt the emotions ofothers,destroy relationships and tension ininternational relations,SO itisimportant tolearn the language and South Korea all inthe circle ofConfucian culture,there many similarities oflanguage taboo,but each has its own the similarities and differences ofChinese and Korean language taboos,contribute tobetter understanding ofthe two countries’culture. Learning language is not only toleam professional knowledge but understand the culture,sometimes the that different cultures lead toismore serious than the language mistakes. This paper isdivided into three first part isthe first chapter that introduces the related concept oftaboo and taboo second part isfrom the second chapter tothe fifth chapter that analyzes the similarities and differences ofChinese and Korean language taboo from the aspects oftypes,strategies,obj ects,the ways ofexpression,causes,and flow direction third part isthe sixth chapter that states the effects ofunderstanding taboo culture for foreign language teaching and ,analyses the problems that may happen inforeign language teaching and cross—munication,the aim is toprovide some help tothe people who work and study foreign language teaching. Keywords:linguistic parison,;foreign language teaching,;cross—munication 目录l删科目录中文摘要????????????????????????????????I Abstract????????????????????????????????????????..II 绪论??????????????????????????????????????????1 第一章禁忌及语言禁忌的概念?????????????????????4 第一节禁忌的概念及由来?????????????????????.4 第二节语言禁忌的概念、特点及功能????????????????.5 第二章汉韩语言禁忌策略对比?????????????????????6 第一节避凶的语言策略对比????????????????????.6 一、对死亡与疾病的婉转表述??????????????????6 二、节日与数字????????????????????????9 三、职业??????????????????????????