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上传人:阳仔仔 2021/10/7 文件大小:128 KB





文档介绍:Xiaoping theory a nd the im portant t houg ht of the thre e represe nts and the scientific Outlook on devel opment. Such changes w ere made, i s conducive t o implementi ng the i nnovati on of Marxi sm in China, e spe cially the scie ntific concept of development the strategic task of arming the w hol e party, play g rass-r oots organizati ons i n prom oting the scientific Outlook on devel opment i nto the grass-r oots level , and t o implement t he importa nt role. T hird, how to use t he content s of the ne w Constituti on g uidi ng party buildi ng through st udyi ng the essence of the new Constitution, the flexi ble application of the essence of the Constitution in party bui ldi ng, and I thi nk the key to graspi ng the foll owing: to cat ch the discipli ne, focus on stre ngthe ning the party's rule s and regulati ons binding. o stri ctly observe and carry out the party's political discipli ne, ensure t he ce ntralism and unity of the whole party. Party cadres, especially lea ding cadres, bot h doers, but also have a strong se nse of politi cal awarene ss
to dry line, li ne, not lack of ability to w ork, be come a talker; hard w ork isSkill, political dire ction, unable to understand when confused. Flag of the CPC Ce ntral Committee and the Committee's requirement s into De partment's re que st, to a holistic a nd concerte d efforts, subject t o the overall situati on. Second, cadres a nd strive t o play an exemplary r ole of party member s and cadre s of hardw orking a nd clean, empha sizes lea d, shift, led. Lead i s to adhere to set an example, to l ead by exampl e, deal wit h the relati onship betwee n individuals a nd parties, real lea d role shift is in or der to stre ngthen the sense of responsibilit y, creati ng a fighting force ; lead is t o adhere to stri ct requireme nts, stri ct management a nd stri ct supervisi on. T hree catch basis a nd strive t o enhance the combat effective ness of the party orga nization. To according to Constitution on grass-