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上传人:lily8501 2021/10/8 文件大小:16 KB





文档介绍:第2页 /总页数 3 页

Who started to eat cake;
First two days of eating the dumplings;
Three days of eating snails;
Fourth day hold wormwood;
Fifth day to eat one day.
Singing the song is not very harmonious rhymes, ushered in the Dragon Boat Festival.
Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival, there are so many in Putian, a discordant rhymes, they opened the Dragon Boat Festival in May who started the prologue. From grade started getting busy every household in preparation for the Dragon Boat Festival of supplies, although not many, most people's natural to be envious of the food is the Dragon Boat Festival.
Mentioning the Dragon Boat Festival, the first thought is to take the dumplings. Delicate dumplings look cute and sweet with salty. I am not interested in meatson but being fond of glutinous rice dumpling, especially inside the big dates, make yourself at home is always a big package. The aroma of rice straw mixed with strands of egg refreshing fragrance leaves, a bite in his mouth, the more the more You Ziwei chewing. Every over the Dragon Boat Festival, Grandma moving to rice dumplings wrapped in Ngrand I only Chanmao oral. Shouted the street, there are everywhere, but the dumplings sold much smaller than the home, but expensive, glutinous rice dumplings in the dates a


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