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上传人:相惜 2021/10/8 文件大小:21 KB





“Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.〞 Gump’ mother tells us the truth that every one's life path is unpredicted but unique.
Following with these words, Forrest Gump is living his own life which is regarded as a miracle, but it’s unique of Gump himself.
As a person with a low IQ, Gump change himself from a “silly man〞 to a football athlete, to a shrimp boat captain, even to a hero in the Vietnam War. Forrest Gump achieves his pinnacle of life, which perhaps many common persons cannot reach.
Forrest Gump isn’t destined to an outstanding person. However, we believe that, God is equal to everyone. In early years, due to physical disability, Gump was often laughed at and played with. Jenny Curran, Who later became Gump’s unique lover, shouted to him that:〞 Run, run quickly!〞 At that time, no on knew that this simple sentences changed Gump’s life to a large extent.
With amazing running speed, Gump joined in the football team, later the university, eventually he graduated from the university successfully. Soon after that, he registered to take part in the Vietnam War. In the battlefield of Vietnam, Forrest Gump ran from danger to a shelter with his fast running. Surprisingly, when he realized that his friends were still in danger, he turned back to the battlefield to save them without hesitation.
He not only saved his best friend


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