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上传人:Seiryu 2021/10/9 文件大小:12 KB




Dear Sir,
I am very glad to learn that an English Summer Camp is going to be organized in your school, offering campers four courses to choose from: gardening, cooking, self-defence and nursing. I am eighteen years of age and will soon graduate from middle school. I wonder if I could be admitted to your camp so that I can take the nursing course.
A nursing course conducted in English will certainly give me a wonderful opportunity to improve my skills in the language. Through nursing course I want to gain valuable experiences in how to tend the sick and the wounded and how to help injured people in time of emergency.
There ae several reasons why I want
to devote my loving and healing care to the patients. First of all, nursing is a sacred profession. A good nurse not only heals the patients’ wound, but
also helps them create a new
beginning out of past pain. Secondly, my school records have been good, especially in physiology, but I know nothing about nursing. Last year, when I watched on TV and found so many injured ones in Wenchuan


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