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文档介绍:《A cry in the forest》教学案例与分析
_________广东惠州市惠阳区实验小学 朱建红
本课是我校一年级实验班第二学期英语课本(中山大学出版社)UNIT FOUR的内容。它是以对话形式展现:
1. Who is crying?
2.I don’t know.
3.Let’s go to have a look.
4.Oh, it is a little bear.
5.Little bear, why are you crying?
6.I…I’m lost. Wu…I can’t find my mom and dad.
7.I’m sorry to hear that. Let’s help you.
8.Thank you.
学****这个对话的主要目的有两个:一是使学生懂得助人为乐的精神;二是让学生在现实生活中遇到类似的事件时知道该怎么样做?在教学中,当我提出“What will you do if you are lost in the forest\supermarket?”时,教室里的小家伙们便叽叽喳喳地讨论起来:
S1. I don’t cry.
T: Good child. Little bear is crying when he is lost in the forest. I don’t think it’s useful.
S2: No, I think it’s useful. Lily and Mary and Xiao Gang can hear (the voice), (so) they can help the little bear.
T: Oh, you’re so clever. Yes, if the bear didn’t cry, the children would not hear the voice and couldn
’t help him. (对其反驳的观点及时给予表扬。)
S3: But the tiger can also hear and eat the little bear.
T: Yes, because he’s in the forest. (肯定了事物利与弊的现象。)
S4: And the lion can hear too.
T: That’s right.
S5: Tigers and lions don’t eat bears.
T: Really? Is it because all of them are very strong? (提出自己的疑问,让学生开动脑筋,寻求最佳答案。)
S6: No, it’s a little bear.
T: Yeah. The baby bear is not as strong as the big cats.
S7: Maybe there are no tigers and lions in the forest.
T: It’s possible. If there are some animals like tigers or lions in this forest, the children’s parents will not let