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Chinese merce Overview 电子商务英语论文.doc

上传人:酒酿小樱桃 2016/7/6 文件大小:0 KB


Chinese merce Overview 电子商务英语论文.doc



文档介绍:Chinese E -commerce Overview U nite: Southwestern puter and Information Sciences Institute N ame :A bstract(our E-business developing fast but exposed many problems )K ey words: history , development , problem , future , involution T he whole world E-business start 20 th century middle. Amazon is frist E-pany. S ince 1995 to data E-business has benn twice revolution ,first is since 1995 to 2000 named first e-business , the other are since 2001to data. but how our E-business ? 1. The history of Chinese merce Chinese merce began in the 20th century . in December 1997, China founded the first chemical online B2B website. December 1998, Alibaba formally established in March 1999 to ride a subsidiary of China in May 1999 to establish the first person to merce in Hangzhou, Wang Juntao, founder of the "8848" Meanwhile, China Merchants Bank launched an online banking com and by the central bank approval to carry out online personal banking, in August 1999, Shao yi Bo founded the first domestic C2C trading platform --- "eBay", the same year in November, "Dangdang wang " listed, after six months the establishment of Joyo. May 2003, Alibaba invest 100 million to set up” Taobao wang ”, October came -a third-party online security payment platform were born . 2005 Tengxun set up "pa ipai ", C2C form full potential. Two . 2. Environment of merce development 1. The legal environment . June 1, 2007 the National Development and mission. The State Council Information Office jointly issued the rules of merce development - Eleventh Five-Year plan", first proposed at the national level of merce strategy and mission, but also the first national merce development in China rules. From the current situation, merce laws , less specialized legal , although issued electronic signature law, but it is not enough for merce , e-business involves many legal issues , such as electronic payment systems , electronic business practices and business Statute , the legal system of merce and export tariffs


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