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On the Evolution and Interpretation of Vampire Images in Films.doc

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On the Evolution and Interpretation of Vampire Images in Films.doc

上传人:酒酿小樱桃 2016/7/6 文件大小:0 KB


On the Evolution and Interpretation of Vampire Images in Films.doc



文档介绍:On the Evolution and Interpretation of Vampire Images in Films by T hesis Advisor: Ms. Wang Li Submitted to the B. A. Committee in partial f ulfillment of the requirements of the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in the English Department of School of Foreign Languages of Langfang Teachers College 20 Nov. 20 12 北京师范大学本科生毕业论文题目: 吸血鬼形象在影视作品中的演变与阐释学生姓名: 杨淼指导教师: 王利二级学院: 外国语学院系别: 英语系专业:英语年级: 20 13届学号: 09030144020 完成日期: 20 12年 11月 20日 Title: On the Evolution and Interpretation of Vampire Images in Films Abstract: In 1922, the movie Nosferatu directed by the German director Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau was released, which was based on the Irish novelist Bram Stoker ’s work, Dracula. And since its publication, Orlock, an ugly and blood thirsty demon, dominates in people ’s mind as the cathedratic and prototypical image of vampires in films. While in Neil Jordan ’s Interview with the Vampire which was show n in 1994, the author of this thesis find s Louis sensitive and humanlike with love and hatred. Edward in the Twilight —a popular movie released in 2008, even exist ed asa protector who is handsome, gentle and trustworthy. As every age seems to embrace “ the vampire that it needs ”, the significant change of vampire images definitely associat es with the development of society. This thesis aims to make an analysis of these three vampire figures and interpret the reasons for their evolution. Key


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