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上传人:阳仔仔 2021/10/13 文件大小:110 KB





文档介绍:holi day, pensi on a nd health, cultural and creative ex perience, sport s healt h, farming, rural bed a nd bre akfasts in ne w formats. Three i s the brand t o create articles. XX agri cult ural com parative advantage i nto full pla y, especially the excl usive a dvantages of climate, mountains a nd sea resource s, to create a group of the city, the provi nce' s "called" XX seafood, snack foods a nd safe agri cult ural products bra nd characteri stics. Meanwhil e, new i ndustry gui dance, support more farmers to partici pate in entre preneurship, promoti ng large-scale proje cts such as bed and breakfasts, farm, seed bree ding base construction. Four i s the me cha nism innovation of the art cle. Deepe n agricultural reform, focusi ng on supporting foster pr ofessional major, family farms, cooperatives, enterpri ses a nd other new subje cts of agricultural management, impr ove agricultural pr oducti on a nd operation of large -scal e, professional level. A dvance the reform of pr operty right system i n rural areas, t o pay speci al attention to land rights, im prove the functi on of property rights trading center t o
guide la nd ma nagement to professional users, family farms, cooperatives, lea ding e nterpri ses i n circulation. S pare no effort to pr omote the provi nce' s "Trinity" farmer cooperative economy organizati on system reform of County buil ding, and actively ex plore t he Trinity of producti on, supply a nd marketing, creditFarmer cooperative e conomy organi zation system, real organic aggreg ates up to all ki nds of busi ness entities, cl osely li nked to t he all a spe cts of producti on a nd marketing. (B) to make the countryside m ore bea utiful. Promoti ng the construction of ne w tow ns a nd new countrysi de reactions toget her, strengtheni ng the constru ction of rural e co-envir onme nt, create t he be autiful countrysi de constructi on upgrades, making rural areas m ore livabl e, suitable for i ndustry, and travel. A focus on r ural envir