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上传人:changjinlai 2021/10/14 文件大小:15 KB




文档介绍:Alex Stewart (Assayers) Ltd.
The Company
Alex Stewart (Assayers) Ltd. is a privately owned, independent company, providing a fully integrated professional service for the inspection, sampling and assaying of all metals and minerals and related materials. The group also offers services in Coal and Coke, to the agriculture and environmental industries, along with general commodities such as Timber, Chemicals and fertiliser.
In addition, consultancy services to assist clients on methods concerning material handling, weighing and sampling, and analysis for a wide range of materials are also available.
The Services
Supervision services: provided for all operations concerned with cargo inspection and control. The company can provide Flow Moisture Point (FMP)/Transportable Moisture Limit (TML) tests. They are also experienced in services of mine benefication.
Group analytical services: to provide physical (particle size determination) and chemical analysis for Ferrous and Non-Ferrous minerals, metals and alloys, precious metals including the full Platinum Group Metals (PGM's) environmental geochemical, agricultural products, coal and coke, edible oils, fertiliser, fishmeal and chemicals.
The commodities covered by the Alex Stewart (Assayers) Ltd. for inspection and sampling include:
Iron Ore and Pig Iron, Base Metal Ores and Concentrates, other Non-Ferrous Ores,