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上传人:小雄 2021/10/15 文件大小:60 KB




文档介绍:happy every day. Ifs good fbr the body and the mind.
Unit3 Should teenagers help their parents with housework? 三
有些同学不同意做家务:学****压力大,没时间做家务,做家务是浪费时间, 学生的职责就是努力学****取得好成绩、上一所好大学,家务是父母的事情。
有些同学同意做家务:学****做家务和帮助父母做家务是非常重要的,只在学****上取得好成绩是远远不够的。他们不应该过度依赖父母,做家务有助于培养 他们的独立性和教会我们照顾自己。有助于他们理解公平的定义,我们应该与父 母一起分担家务。
Beginning: We had a discussion about whether/if teenagers should help their parents with housework. Here are the different ideas/opinions/results.
Body: Some students think that they shouldn't do chores/housework. They have too much pressure from school/study/schoolwork. They don't have time to do chores instead of doing too much homework. It's also a waste of time to do should spend more time working hard to get good grades and later get into a good university. Ifs parents, job to do chores.
However, some have different opinion . They think it's very important fbr children to learn how to do chores and help parents with housework. It is enough to just get good grades at school. They shouldn't depend on their parents too much. Doing chores helps them to develop their independence and teaches them how to look after themselves. Whafs more, it also helps them to understand the idea of fairness. They should share the housework with their parents.
Ending: In my opinion, we should help our parents with housework. The earlier we learn to be indepe