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第 2 页
SQKC-25 高三一轮复****第四讲 动词和动词短语
1. (·南宁模拟)China’s efforts on food production and safety will    after the new food law is introduced.
A. show off B. turn off
C. put off D. pay off
2. (·南昌模拟)Looking back on the three-year life in the mountain village, Thomas    it as a milestone in his personal development.
A. values B. confirms
C. declares D. assumes
3. —Do you have enough to    all your daily expenses?
—Oh, yes, enough and to spare.
A. cover B. spend C. fill D. offer
4. (·乐山模拟)He was in hospital for six months. He felt as if he was
第 4 页
    from the outside world.
A. cut out B. cut up
C. cut off D. cut through
5. —How will you    yourself after you retire?
—I intend to get into golf to spend the rest of my life.
A. occupy B. associate
C. charge D. devote
6. I    banning trucks in the city centre because it will reduce air pollution and noise.
A. assist B. advocate C. admit D. oppose
7. (·宁波模拟)Ningbo is a small city. Therefore, to   the flow of traffic, the government has decided to broaden some main streets.
A. speed up B. build up
C. put up D. come up
8. John went through the test paper once more carefully for fear that he would
第 4 页
    any essential detail.
A. convince B. abandon
C. overlook D. escape
9. So far, relatively fewer women have    it to the top in the business world.
A. achieved B. promised C. taken D. made
10. You look very sad now and I suppose maybe you need a shoulder on which to
    your head for a while.
A. press B. stick C. rest D. base
11. Adopting the doctor’s advice, he    on coffee and cigarettes and ate a balanced diet.
A. cut down B. broke down
C. turned down D. put down
12. (·长春模拟)We can’t    to wait any longer or we’ll miss the plane.:]
A. offer B. avoid C. afford D. spare


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