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上传人:lily8501 2021/10/15 文件大小:14 KB





文档介绍:第1页 /总页数 2 页

★为了给大家看见更多关于出国留学的新闻, [无忧考&网]特别为大家整理了《日本留学推荐信样例(管理)》这篇文章,仅供大家参考,希望大家看后能够有更好的选择!!
Dear Sir/Madam:
In the capacity of the former dean of "Kellogg Management School" of North western University (NWU), I am writing with pleasure to recommend Mr. Caleb to your esteemed university.
I got to know him personally when he was taking the courseMethodology of Management Research (or Methods of Management as stated in his transcripts), a course I taught, concerning basic research methods, especially quantitative approach to management research. Then he took one of my other coursesAdvanced Strategic Management. Mr. Caleb showed great aptitude on both courses and he got 78 on both, which seem a bit lower, but if you take the difficulty of the test papers and my strict grading into account, you will understand why such scores are still among the top five. Undoubtedly, he got excellent scores on other courses and ranked among the top 5% of his class after the first year of graduate study.
To my knowledge, Mr. Caleb is not only strong in academics, but also in sports and social activities. He was the captain of the soccer team of graduateschool of NWU and led the team to play in the soccer league of our university for two successive years. He was also one of the main founders of the firs