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uses and limitations of apl开题资料.pdf

上传人:学习的一点 2021/10/15 文件大小:1.01 MB


uses and limitations of apl开题资料.pdf



Uses and limitationsof APL
Overviewof the mathematically-basedprogramming language
11 programming languages take Falkoff first called it APL. The APL second, APL used a significant part of
time and practice to get the best notation was used in A Formal De- the computer capacity. Now that a
Aut of them. A Programming scription of which was pub- fast microcomputer can perform three
Language (APL) is no different in that lished in 1964, the same year that the mitlion instructions a second (MIPS),
respect. How it developed though, first implementation of the language the CPU used by APL interpreters is
from a mathematical and logical nota- on a computer began, Programming languages are exe-
tion, is unique. Since its early use it Inner Product’s VIZ::APL (1982) cutable: APL is unique in being the
has become a popular choice for many was one of the closest to standard APL only programming language which is
large organizations. (now an IS0 provisional standard) also analytic. Anyone who has tried to


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