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using microarray gene signatures to elucidate mechanisms of antibiotic action and resistance开题资料.pdf

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using microarray gene signatures to elucidate mechanisms of antibiotic action and resistance开题资料.pdf



文档介绍:DDT • Volume 10, Number 18 • September 2005 REVIEWS
Using microarray gene signatures to
elucidate mechanisms of antibiotic TODAY:TARGETS DRUG DISCOVERY
action and resistance Reviews •
Michelle and Robert
Microarray analyses reveal global changes in gene expression in response to
environmental changes and, thus, are well suited to providing a detailed picture of
bacterial responses to antibiotic treatment. These responses are represented by
patterns of gene expression, termed expression signatures, which provide insight
into the mechanism of action of antibiotics as well as the general physiological
responses of bacteria to antibiotic-related stresses. The complexity of such signatures
is challenging the notion that antibiotics act on single targets and this is consistent
with the concept that there are multiple targets coupled with common stress