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上传人:蓝天 2021/10/16 文件大小:237 KB





With the rapid growth of our economy (transportation system/ market economy/ private enterprises/ housing industry...) , an increasing number of problems have arisen, such as...
With the rapid development of science and technology (electronic industry/ higher education...) , people in increasing numbers come to realize that...
3 ) Currently, there is a widespread concern over high unemployment rate (desertification/ widespread corruption/ energy crisis/ traffic jams/ water shortage/ increasing traffic accidents..・)・
Nowadays, a heated debate about private cars (China? s football/ brain drain...) is under way in China.
Since "sustainable developmenf9 is our main goal, we should pay more attention to strike a balance between economic development and environmental protection
(producing more goods and saving natural resources...)
With more emphasis put on “building a harmonious society", people begin to realize the importance of solving the problem of inequality (solving the problem of unemployment/ enabling some people to get rich and helping the disadvantaged...)
As the central task of our country is to "build a well-off society in an all-round way", more efforts are being made to improve the living standards of the people...
(people need more comfortable housing and more convenient transportation...)
Unless we put more emphasis on environmental protection (interpersonal relationship/ equality/ how to deal with stress...) , the problem will be a hindrance to our building a "harmonious society".
As the public awareness of market economy (population control/ human rights/ competition/ laws and regulations...) heightens, ...
When asked about accession to WTO (studying abroad/ private cars/ Internet surfing...), different people hold different views. Some are in favor of.・・,while others are against...
When it comes to the problem (the issue/ the case...) of eating wild animals (net chatting/morning exercise...)
As far as family plannin


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