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疑难解析 (2).doc

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疑难解析 (2).doc



文档介绍:Section 2 Notes to difficult sentences from Unit 3
Travel journal
1….and then she persuaded me to buy 。
此类动词还有: advise, cause, allow, drive, encourage, expect, force, intend, invite, permit, tell, trust, urge, persuade, remind, teach, want, warn, get, ask, forbid, beg, require, tempt, enable, lead, instruct 等, 以及表示 “情感状态”的动词 love, like, prefer, hate 等,后面跟带to的不定式作补语。例如:
to want sb to work together with them,to expect sb to succeed in the exam,to advise sb to do that,to allow me to introduce sb,to get sb to talk,to tell sb not to wait any longer,to warn sb not to do sth,to prefer sb to stay,to love sb to come again,to hate sb to do that
2. Wang Wei soon got them interested in cycling too. 王威很快就让他们对骑车旅行感兴趣了。
They made the house clean.I found the book easy.My father left me poor.(形容词)
You should make your work interesting.I find the situation discouraging.I hear her singing “Home,Sweet Home”.(现在分词)
I got a new coat made.He had his watch stolen.I found the work done.(过去分词)
I found the family in tears.I will put everything in order.He left me in the dark.(介词短语)
He asked me to come.He let me eat more.He declared it to be false.(不定式)
3.…she insisted that she organize the trip properly………她坚持她恰当组织这次旅行……
动词 wish, suggest, order, insist, propose,等词后面的宾语从句表示的是一种虚拟语