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variability of particulate flux over the mid-atlantic ridge开题资料.pdf

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variability of particulate flux over the mid-atlantic ridge开题资料.pdf



文档介绍:Deep-Sea Research II 98 (2013) 257–268
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Deep-Sea Research II
journal homepage:
Variability of particulate flux over the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Richard E. Abell a,n, Tim Brand a, Andrew C. Dale a, Gavin H. Tilstone b, Christine Beveridge a
a SAMS, The Scottish Marine Institute, Oban, Argyll PA341QA, UK
b Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Prospect Place, The Hoe Plymouth PL13DH, UK
article info abstract
Available online 25 October 2013 The magnitude and composition of the sinking-particle flux were studied over the northern Mid-Atlantic
Keywords: Ridge (MAR) from June 2007 to July 2010. Four moorings equipped with dual sediment traps, 100 m and

Primary production 1000 m above the sea oor, sampled regions north and south of the Charlie Gibbs Fracture Zone
Carbon export (between 491N and 541N) and east and west of the MAR. Biogenic data were coupled with satellite
Sediment traps estimates of primary production and modelled particle source to assess the variability in export flux.
Mid-Atlantic Ridge Large variations were found in the seasonality, chemical composition, magnitude and source of sinking
Particle tracking particulate material between mooring sites. The northern moorings recorded both greater mean primary

Particle ux production and greater particle mass flux than the southern moorings, although, the large inter-annual


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