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上传人:gooddoubi 2021/10/16 文件大小:41 KB





文档介绍:托福独立写作练****br/>托福独立写作练****br/>托福独立写作练****br/>Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Governments should spend more money on environment protection than on economic development。
The issue of how environmental protection and economic development interrelate is highly debatable in recent years。 Some people hold the view that the development of economy should be put on the first place for the growth of the city. Others maintain that governments should invest more in solving environmental issues in the long run. I agree with the latter opinion for the three reasons listed below.
To begin with, a government is supposed to take it into account that a city's development should be sustainable。 That means environmental protection without which the progress of a city will come to an end is a crucial part of the city’s development. Take a chemical factory near my school for example。 In the past, it would release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and pour waste directly into rivers, which contributed to global warming and lead to the contamination of the water source. As time went by, the environment near the factory ruined rapidly which completely prevented the factory from developing. As a result, the factory ended up with closing down. This could have been avoided if the factory realized the importance of environmental protection.
Secondly, environmental protection which creates an eco-friendly area where residents’ mental health is well protected promotes the stability of the whole society. Obviously, without some degree of environmental sacrifice economic development can hardly be made. Thus, huge damage to the environment as well as human beings will be done as a result of the factories’ and government’ neglect. To be specific, factories that dump toxic waste into the surrounding region's main water supply will cause disease and other health defects of the citizens living in the area. Furthermore, the local healthcare system is going to be burdened an increasin
