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上传人:阳仔仔 2021/10/17 文件大小:1.10 MB





文档介绍:Xiaoping theory a nd the im portant t hought of the thr ee represents a nd the sci entific Outlook on devel opme nt. Such cha nges were made , is conducive to impleme nting the innovation of Marxism in Chi na, especi ally the scientifi c concept of devel opme nt the strategic ta sk of ar ming the w hole party, play grass-r oots organizati ons ni pr omoting the sci entific Outlook on devel opme nt into the grass -roots l evel, and to impleme nt the important role. Thir d, how to use the contents of the new Constitution gui ding party buildi ng through studying t he essence of the new Constitution, the flexible application of the essence of the Constituti on in party buildi ng, and I thi nk the key to grasping the followi ng: to catch t he di sci pline , focus on strengtheni ng the party' s rules a nd reg ulations bi ndi ng. To strictly observe and carry out the party's political disci pli ne, ensure t he ce ntralism and unity of the whole party. Par ty cadre s, especially l eading cadre s, both doers, but also have a strong sense of politi cal aware ness
to dry line, li ne, not la ck of ability to w ork, become a talker; hard work isSkill , political directi on, una ble to understand whe n confused. Flag of the CPC Ce ntral Committee and the Committee's requirement s into Department's re que st, to a holisti c and concerted efforts, subje ct to the overall situati on. Second