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上传人:学习好资料 2021/10/17 文件大小:23 KB




ifish异型 ,打造中国最专业的异型鱼爱好者公众号。精选全球异型资讯,一手把握!@Mingxin Guo
所有版权归作者所有,未经同意,切勿转载。 小编的话本篇是一位新加坡异型爱好者繁殖L96的繁殖纪录。虽然配图很少,但是非常详细,很值得我们参考和借鉴。希望大家都会像这位大神一样,一起分享饲养和繁殖异型的心得和乐趣。
奇妙品种的起源L96玛格橘边坦克L96的基本资料L096 橘边玛格坦克异型
英文学名:Pseudacanthicus sp. 'L 96'中文学名:假棘甲鲶属中文俗名:橘边玛格坦克异型首次发表:1992年06月在DATZ类别:坦克科产地:Rio do Pará (Portel), Pará, Brasilien成鱼尺寸:40cm适宜溫度:26 - 30 °CpH:5,5 - 6,5
KH:0 - 5 °dH
GH:0 - 20 °dH奇妙品种的起源The start of such wonderful species  橘边坦克异形(Pseudacanthicus spinosus)是一种非常有趣的品种,它有许多种不同的变异品种,主要表现在体色、斑点和纹理上。更不用说物种的细化分类,它包含了3种不同的L编号品种,分别是L96、L160和L375。但是,当L160正好出现在新加坡而未被作为宠物独立输出时,这种处境让它们更难地被人们分辨出来。而且,L96和L160在大部分发表文章中被分类为同一种鱼,这让我非常有兴趣去找出它们更多的不同点。这就是我为什么从2007年就开始单独研究它们的原因。2004年早期,假刺甲鲶属(Pseudacanthicus)就已经开始存在了,当时我第一次看到就喜欢上这个物种,迷上了水族爱好。我开始尝试饲养异形,几乎所有的假刺甲鲶属都被我饲养过。我最专注的物种就是橘边坦克异形(P. spinosus),其他的品种都不能与其争锋。  Pseudacanthicus spinosus is a very interesting species that comes in many different variants in terms of forms of coloration, spots and markings. Not to mention conferring species, it comprises of 3 different L-numbers, L96, L160 and L375. However, none other than the L160 came in to Singapore as a shipment before, making them even harder to obtain. Moreover, the fact that L96 and L160 are both classified together as the same fish in most publications makes me interested to find out more about them. This is why I’ve been solely focused on them since 2007. However, my love for Pseudacanthicus started way back in early 2004 when I first started this hobby. I have tried keeping almost all of the Pseudacanthicus species. Yet nothing beats concentrating on P.
  L096 was the one I was dreaming for, yet none of them came in shipments, the only information that I got hold was that they do come in as containment in L160 P. spinosus shipments. So from then on, whenever there was any sh