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上传人:阳仔仔 2021/10/18 文件大小:333 KB





文档介绍:thrift of excellent traditional a nd style la ck de ep of understanding, one-si ded t hink i n now of good sit uation Xia , economic smooth mor e fast development, a nd reform made major progre ss, a nd people livi ng significa ntly improve , and social the career made new progress, no ne cessary always har d has, no aw arene ss to China also has many poverty area, a nd also has many poverty population of exists, mor e living impr ove has, more ne ed kee p hard of style. Thr ee is not strictly honest. otal thought units is a water se ctor, clean self-disci pline away from himself too far, no real processing good living of improve and har d, and thrift excelle nt traditional of relationship, no effective do comply wit h Constituti on a nd party of regulati ons m ust from I do up, no rig ht mercy good bitter Le, a nd wealt h of relationship, no rig ht awarene ss to i n com ply with Constituti on and party of regula tions a spe cts everyone has accounta bility. F our, future direction a nd impr ovement measures 1, belief and faith, strengt hen party spirit. One is to firmly establi sh the noble i deals of struggle for the i deal s of communism, communist struggl e for life, ready to sa crifice everyt hing
for the party and the people. Second is to conti nuously improve the quality and standard of political, conscienti ously st udy Deng Xiaoping theory and "three repre sents" important thoug ht and t he scientific Outl ook on devel opme nt, impleme nt the party's basic program for the primary stage of socialism, a dhere to t he correct political orie ntation, mai ntain hig hly consistent wit h the CPC Central Committee, is good at the ories of sociali sm with Chine se characteristi cs to a nalyze a nd solve pr oblems. Third, strengthe ning t he party spirit and the w orld transformati on, persevera nce of the party Constitution, relive Party vows to esta blish corre ct worl d Outlook, Outlook on life and the w orld, practi cally embodies i deals a nd beliefs int o


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