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上传人:阳仔仔 2021/10/18 文件大小:486 KB





文档介绍:relationship,and subject: geestabli ometryshe preliminaryd equivalent k relati nowle onshipdge (1)--li 14, andne a subjend a nglect: reviewa ppli contecation problemnt line, (4)--score a nd segment, ands and Ray, percentage a and verticalppli cation, and parallel,problem a reviewnd conte a ngle anglnt eoverview of classification a nswer (slightly)s scores, 17, and asubjend perce ntage applicatict: geometry pron pr oblemeliminary of knowle key is: accordidge (2)--planeng to gra meani ng,phi (1)cs determinereview staconte nt triangle,ndar d a vol umend e (unitsdges "1") shape (2) findd, associatea nd round, "volume and fan rate axisymmetric corresponds graphi to" relationship, T cs perimeter and are hea comn in-linebinati solonution. graphics Category of area fracti subje on multict : Preliminaryplicati on knowledge w ord pr(3)-reviewoblem score Divisionof soli applicatid content categons engiory 1-dneeri shapeng problems are problem divided XV, int a subjeo: cylinder act:nd review cone 2, columof the measurn is diviementded of i the nto:am cuboiountd, squareof capa 3, city,cone measurement cone of the a features ndof cuboidsunits of a measurementnd of cubescom relati mononship units betweeof measuremen characteristi nt andcs theirof cir sig cularnifica conence is sligi n ratehtly 1, solicurrency,d surfale ce areangth, and area, vol v olume,ume 1, sizeunit 2, si tableze, ...vol ume,和 weight a nd rate. (Omitted) 2, com monly use d time unit s and t heir relationships. (Slightly) with a measureme nt units Zhijia n of of poly 1, and of method 2, a nd poly method 3, a nd of method and poly method of relationshi p measureme nt dista nce of method 1, and tool mea sureme nt 2, and estimates 16,