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上传人:阳仔仔 2021/10/18 文件大小:429 KB





文档介绍:Building i ndustry ope ns up ne w worl d of entre preneurial str uggle to build a t hree pr ovinces of regi onal central cities --in the Communist x countie s the six ple nary se ssion member s and comrades: t oda y, I was commissioned by the County party Committee Standi ng Committee, reports to the General Assembl y. Considerati on of all member s a nd alter nates, a nd comrade s attendi ng advi ce. A , and this year y ilai of w ork recalle d this year yilai, i n muni cipa l of right led Xia, County solidarity led County pe ople , to science development view s for gui de, to g ood activitie s for mainli ne, accor ding o "a city four modernizati ons three more" of development t houg ht, concentrated poly for ce, w ork har d, political , and economic, a nd cult ure, and social and party of constructi on are ma de ha s ne w progre ss, County rendering out w ind fresh are, a nd career prosperity, and social settled, a nd people mind int o of good sit uation. (A) facilitating the construction of the proje ct. Firmly esta blish the "scratch proje ct is
economic, graspi ng devel opme nt project is t o hold" philosophy, t o extraordi nary efforts to pr omoting the constr uction of key pr oject s. Pl ot 108 key pr oje cts for the year, with a total i nvestment of billion yua n, iron plate, J osh stone ceme nt waste heat power ge neration and 13 proje cts compl eted, worship of milli on tons of pellets, Hua Yu 80,000 sets of grandparent chicke n farming, 47 proje cts under construction, completed i nvestment of billion yua n, annua l pla n of %. The first half of the County's gross domestic product i s expe cted to rea che d billi on yuan, a nd total r evenue of 943 milli on Yuan. (B) str uctural a djustment achieved remarka ble results. A ctively transforming t he pattern of economi c devel opm nt, industrial ecolog y, and agricultural moderni zation and industriali zation of services. Hig h x-County • T in iron circular e conomy dem onstrat


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