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英国概况 禁忌.ppt.ppt

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英国概况 禁忌.ppt.ppt


文档介绍:Unit 4 leisure Activities & Festivals ? Traditional leisurely activity Drink at pub, walk in countryside, garden work, ball game ? British are family people ? Influence of religion Sunday (day for church) — shops and pubs are shut Unit 4 leisure Activities & Festivals Afternoon tea: In the time of Victorian in England on 1840, British Duchess Bader Anna, who always prepared a few slices of toast, cream and tea to deal with hunger problem on the every afternoon, of courage to kill the boring time .In every time of the moment the lady always wear the formal dress ,sometimes they always invited some goods friends together. Gradually the form of Afternoon tea spread. This is the English tea culture. when the clock kicks at four everything in this world stops for tea 当时钟敲响四下时,世上的一切瞬间为茶而停 Teatime/High tea: British Folk Going to the Pub world “ pub ” is short for public house. pub consists of : public bar (大酒吧) saloon bar (酒吧沙龙) (the alcoholic drinks) :啤酒(beer) 、雪利酒(cherry) 、香槟酒(champagne) 、葡萄酒(wine) 、鸡尾酒(cocktail) 、马丁尼鸡尾酒(martini cocktail) 、苦艾酒(vermouth) 及一些烈性酒(liquor or spirit) ,包括威士忌(whisky) 、杜松子酒(gin) 和白兰地(brandy) 等。 ( soft drink ):果汁(fruit juice —— orange juice , lemon juice , tomato juice , etc.) 、汽酒(bubbling wine) 、甜酒或玫瑰酒(sweet or rose) 、可乐(cola) 及矿泉水(mineral water) 等。 (lager) 、苦啤酒(bitter) 、吉尼斯黑啤酒( guinness )、淡啤酒 (pale ale) 和淡味啤酒(mild) 。瓶装的有淡啤酒(light ale) 、棕色淡啤酒(brown ale) 和黑啤酒(stout) What did the people do in the Pub ? 多米诺牌游戏(dominoes) 、投镖(darts) 、九柱游戏(skittles)[ 沿球道以球击倒数个瓶状木柱的游戏,类似保龄球(bowling)] 、台球(pool or billiards) 、纸牌(cards) 和推硬币游戏(shove-halfpenny)( 用手把一个半便士的硬币推往带格的木盘里)等。 Visitors to Britain may find the best place to sample local culture is in a traditional pub. But these friendly pub can be minefields ( 雷区)of potential gaffes ( 失礼)for the uninitiated. 访问英国的人会发现传统英国酒吧是最能领略当地文化的地方。但对于初来乍到的异国人来说,这些友善的酒吧却犹如潜藏着有惹事危险的“地雷区”。 An anthropologist and a team of researchers have unveiled some of