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上传人:慢慢老师 2021/10/21 文件大小:37 KB




文档介绍:Fill in the each blank with the words given in the box. Chang the word form if necessary. Each word can be used only once. Mark your answer on your ANSWER SHEET. (15*1=15 points)
temporary duty individual but through potential what adopt spectacle taste care convinced possession along stamp put while if option personal
Most people hate rock music. (1) __________ I am not an unreasonable or biased person by nature, two vivid and striking (2) __________ experiences of rock music during the past two weeks have persuaded me that it has become a (3) __________ for those of us with enough common sense to see its(4) __________ dangers to point them out. My first experience--perhaps a minor one, (5) __________ highly symptomatic--was the realization that if I spoke to my teenage son when he was listening to rock music (6) __________ headphones, he replied in an unnaturally loud voice, as if there was something wrong with his hearing. The second occurred when I went with him to a "concert" and witnessed for myself (7) __________ these affairs are like. Till I went to the concert, I had always (8) __________ the "live and let live" attitude that rock music was simply not my (9) __________ but that other people had every right to enjoy it if it was theirs.
But what I saw and heard (10) __________ me that we are allowin


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