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论年幼留学On Go to Study Abroad at Young Age 英语作文.doc

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论年幼留学On Go to Study Abroad at Young Age 英语作文.doc

上传人:慢慢老师 2021/10/21 文件大小:17 KB


论年幼留学On Go to Study Abroad at Young Age 英语作文.doc


文档介绍:——文章来源网,仅供分享学****参考 ~ 2 ~
论年幼留学On Go to Study Abroad at Young Age
Nowadays, with the development of economic, more and more people have the ability to give a better education to their children. And in their eyes, study overseas is better in the domestic school. So, there are plenty of people send their kids to study abroad in a young age. They think they are doing good things for their baby. But I don’t agree with them. Going to study abroad at young age is not good for young kids.
To begin with, teenagers are not independent enough to take care of themselves. With the publishment of one children policy, most family just has one child. They are the apple in their parents’ eyes. In order to make them live better, parents will do most things for them. How can they look after themselves in abroad? If they go abroad in such a young age, they may under great stress. If so, how can they devote themselves to study? As a result, going abroad for study has no good news. Even it will have bad influence on their little heart.
——文章来源网,仅供分享学****参考 ~ 2 ~