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★英语口语频道为网友整理的《2014年英语四级口语:《越狱》经典台词》,供大家参考学****Prison Break 《越狱》(精讲之十)
Sara: So, you're married.
Michael: Uh, well... not in the traditional sense of the word.
Sara: Michael, we're both adults, put your cards on the table. Okay, I'll got first. Um... as one of the very few women around here, I'm used to a certain amount of innuendo and flirtation being thrown my way. I'm not used to enjoying it.
Michael: Look, Sara...
Sara: It's "Dr. Tancredi," and please let me finish. I'm not a jealous woman. But I am a careful one. And for some reason, when I'm around you, I'm not... careful.
Michael: You don't have to be.
Sara: Yes, I do. There are so many questions surrounding you, Michael. There are way too many. So here's the deal. Um... From now on, your shots, any medical concerns, they're all fine, as long as it's doctorpatient. But personal questions and favors of any kind, are no longer a part of our relationship.
Michael: The questions you have about me... there are answers.
Hale: Quinn!
Quinn: I was getting worried. You guys get lost?
Hale: We tried to call you again to pinpoint your signal, but you never picked up.
第2页 /总页数 3 页
Quinn: Yeah, the battery went dead on the damn cell phone. What are you going to do, right?
Kellerman: So, uh, how'd it go?
Quinn: I have a broken leg down