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牛津英语新 8B Unit7 Integrated skills.ppt

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牛津英语新 8B Unit7 Integrated skills.ppt

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牛津英语新 8B Unit7 Integrated skills.ppt


文档介绍:Unit 7 International charities Integrated skills
Mrs Black was blind at the age of sixty. Now ten years has passed, she still can't see anything because she is very poor and has no enough money to go to hospital.
Step 1: Lead-in
Let's play a guessing game!
ORBIS works to help people who are unable to see.
Where can she get help?
Some restaurants sell dishes made in rare animals. The animals are protected by laws.
World Wide Fund for Nature
It can protect the wildlife, nature and the environment.
Mr Smith is out of work now. The factory he has worked in bankrupted(破产) last month. He and his workmates lost their jobs and they have less and less money to support their families.
It works to make the poor live a better life.
Children in poor areas in Africa don't have enough food or enough houses to live in. They are ill, but they can't go to hospital; they are old enough, but they can't go to school.
How does UNICEF help people?
It helps build a better world for everyone, especially children all over the world.
It provides basic education for children in poor areas.
It works for the equal rights of girls and women too.
It also works to prevent the spread of some serious diseases.
Step 2: The work of UNICEF
Daniel has found some information about UNICEF.

Task 1: Read Part A1 and then answer the questions.
1. When was UNICEF set up?
2. What changed children’s lives at that time?
3. How many countries and areas does it
work in?
It was set up in 1946.
The war changed the children’s lives.
It works in over 190 countries and areas.
Read and learn
Listening skills:先阅读题干,了解已知信息,划出重要事件,听的过程中迅速获取信息与
Task 2: Listen to A2 and put the sentences in the correct order.