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牛津英语译林版9A Unit1 Know yourself课堂笔记.doc

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牛津英语译林版9A Unit1 Know yourself课堂笔记.doc



文档介绍:9A Unit 1 Welcome to the Unit 课堂笔记
in good order 秩序井然;井井有条;有条不紊,整齐,情况正常;情况良好;
Lucy is well organized. She always keeps her room in good order.
=Lucy is organized enough to keep her room in good order at all times.
=Lucy is so organized that she always keeps her room in good order.
Mrs. Green is an organized housewife. Everything in her house is always in good order.
He found everything in the house in good . 
The young man is the last in order, so he has to wait for his turn.
The teacher asked his students to put the sentences in the right order.
show off 炫耀,卖弄,摆阔,摆谱
Young people should learn to be modest instead of showing off before others.
Mom often tells me neither to show myself off nor to look down on/upon others.
We all know you are clever, but you’d better not show off your knowledge.
I know you have got a nice sports car, but I advise you not to show it off.
He wants to show off how well he speaks English.
come up with 提出/想出(办法、建议、答案…),= think of, produce
It’s very difficult for us to come up with a better idea than this in such a short time.
So far, only one man has come up with a new way to reduce air pollution.
Who do you think came up with this good idea just now?
We‘ll have to work hard to come up with other companies.
curious 好奇的
more curious; most curious; curiously(副词); curiosity(名词,好奇心);
Children are naturally curious. 儿童天生好奇。
They stopped and looked at her curiously. 他们停下来,好奇地看着她。
be curious about sth 对…感到好奇;很想知道…
be curious to know/see sth 很想知道/很想了解…
The boy was curious about everything he saw. 那男孩对所见的一切都感到好奇。
She is curious to see what will happen next. 她很想知道接下来会发生什么事。
angry 生气的,发怒的,愤怒的,险恶的
angrier; angriest; angrily(副词); anger (名词)
Tom looked angrily at his father. He looked very angry.
be angry with sb.
be angry at / about sth.
be angry for do


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