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文档介绍:I 摘要随着手机使用的普及,人们获取与保存信息的方式已经发生了激动人心的转变。智能手机正在逐步融入我们的生活,并影响和改变着我们的生活。由于现在各种智能手机的使用,使得人们在管理、应用及服务等各个领域使用数据方面变得更加简洁,更加方便,大大提高了工作效率。本论文首先对基于安卓的云笔记应用程序进行了需求分析,从系统开发环境、系统目标、设计流程、功能设计等几个方面进行系统的总体设计,使用 Java 语言设计了基于安卓的云笔记应用程序,包括登录注册、我的笔记、我的好友、朋友圈、个人信息、修改密码、注销登录等主要功能模块,实现了云笔记的功能。通过对系统的功能进行测试,测试结果证明该系统界面友好、功能完善,有着较高的使用价值,具有庞大的潜在用户群体和较广阔的应用前景。关键词: 智能手机; Android ;云笔记;JAVA II ABSTRACT With the popularity of mobile phone use, for people to obtain and preserve the way information has undergone dramatic change. Smart phones are gradually integrated into our lives, and to influence and change our lives. Now that the use ofa variety of smart phones, making it even more simple, more convenient, greatly improving the work efficiency in all areas of data management aspects, applications and services. This paper first Android-based cloud application notes demand analysis, the overall design of the system development environment from several aspects of the system, the system objectives, the design process, functional design, the use of the Java language was designed based on cloud notes Android application program, including the login registration, my notes, my friends, my circle of friends, personal information, change your password, log off and other major functional modules to achieve a cloud notes function. Through the function of the system test, the test results show that the system is user-friendly, functional, has a high value, has a huge potential user groups and broader application prospects. Keywords: Smartphone; Android; cloud notes; JAVA III 目录摘要..................................................................................................................................... I ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................... II 目录................................................................................................................................... III 第1章绪论........................


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