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上传人:lily8501 2021/10/21 文件大小:75 KB




文档介绍:第2页 /总页数 25 页

Passage 1
Directions: For question 1—5, choose the most suitable paragraphs from the list A—G and fill them into the numbered boxes to form a coherent text. Paragraphs A and D have been correctly placed.
[A] Subscription has proved by far the best way of paying for highquality television. Advertising veers up and down with the economic cycle, and can be skipped by using digital video recorders. And any outfit that depends on advertising is liable to worry more about offending advertisers than about pleasing viewers. Voluntary subscription is also preferable to the compulsory, universal variety that pays for the BBC and other European public broadcasters. A broadcaster supported by a tax on everyone must try to please everyone. And a government can starve public broadcasters of money, too—as the BBC is painfully learning.
[B] What began as an interesting experiment has become the standard way of supporting highquality programming. Most of the great television dramas that are watched in America and around the world appear first on payTV channels. Having shown others how to make gangster dramas with “The Sopranos”, HBO is laying down the standard for fantasy with “Game of Thrones”. Other payTV channels have delved into 1960s advertising (“Mad Men”), drug dealing (“Breaking Bad”) and Renaissance court society (“The Borgias”). PayTV firms outside America, like Britains BSkyB, are beginning to pour money into original series. Talent is drifting to paytelevision, in part because there are fewer appealing roles in film. Meanwhile, broadcast networks have retreated into a safe zone of sitcoms, police procedurals and singing competitions.
第3页 /总页数 25 页
[C] But pay television is now under threat, especially in America. Prices have been driven so high at a time of economic malaise that many people simply cannot afford it. Disruptive, deeppocketed firms like Amazon and Netflix lurk, whispering promises of in


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