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初中感恩节英文手抄报资料:Be grateful for friends.doc

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初中感恩节英文手抄报资料:Be grateful for friends.doc

上传人:dyx110 2021/10/22 文件大小:13 KB


初中感恩节英文手抄报资料:Be grateful for friends.doc



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初中感恩节英文手抄报资料:Be grateful for friends

为大家整理的初中感恩节英文手抄报资料:Be grateful for friends的文章,供广大家查阅!!更多信息请点击节日作文大全
It is a celebrating day. I got in touch with Michael whom I have been losing contact for one year.
It is really magic. I was searching online aimlessly yesterday when an idea struck me suddenly: since Ben can find out my secret by keying in my name in the search engines, why can't I do so, either?
I intended to find out something about Ben in revenge in the first place, but soon extend my name list to a wider category. It was then that I recalled Michael suddenly.
We have lost contact since our last correspondence in my senior 3. He mentioned to me in his last letter that he was preparing for going to UK to further his education. I, shamefully, was too busy to reply his mail then. When I was recommended to ZJU and won the final freedom, I thought he had already been in UK so I had no idea where to write him.
I used to think that we would never meet aga


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