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关于我的家庭英语作文 作文专题.doc

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关于我的家庭英语作文 作文专题.doc

上传人:guoxiachuanyue012 2021/10/22 文件大小:25 KB


关于我的家庭英语作文 作文专题.doc



文档介绍:: .
My home four mouth people, father watching TV, love of mother, love to play computer's sister, the last one is naughty to me.
Dad, character gentle love watching TV. The wulin wind
started at a time, dad did not leave before the TV, I mutter:
"my father is such a couch potato."
Mother also very gentle character has a pair of watery big eyes, cherry small mouth, not fat or thin body. Mother love dressing up, charmingly mother will go out every morning. Remember once, my mother didn't know where to put the doll bright eye. I can't help but say: "oh, mom how nice!"
Sister has a head of jet-black hair and a pair of beautiful eyes, sister love playing computer, every time I see computer sister boast about. Remember that a sister bought a laptop computer, my sister did not leave the computer all day, my sister is a geek.
My personality is lively, the hobby is art, and I am also
very naughty. That time, mygood friend's birthday party, I saw the cake, mymind had an idea. From with somebutter on the cake, I went to my good friend, wipe on the face, in a very short time her face was I became a clown.
This is my family, this is my happy and happy family! 我的家有四口人,有爱看电视的爸爸,爱打扮的妈妈,爱玩电脑 的姐姐,最后一个就是调皮的我了。
爸爸性格温柔,爱看电视。那一次武林风开始了,爸爸死活都不 离开电视前,我小声嘀咕了一句:“爸爸真是个电视迷。”
妈妈性格也很温柔有一双水汪汪的大眼睛, 樱桃小嘴,身子不胖 不瘦。妈妈爱打


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