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文档介绍:Teaching Plan
Content: Grade 9 Reading: He used to cause a lot of trouble
Date: October 15th, 2009
Class: Class One Grade Nine
Teacher: Shen Danping
Teaching objectives:
1. Knowledge objectives
(1) To help the Ss master “used to do”
(2) To help the Ss understand the passage
2. Ability objectives
(1) To develop the Ss’ reading and writing ability
(2) To help the Ss practice the reading skills
(3) To improve the Ss’ competence of oral English
3. Emotion objectives
(1) To stimulate the Ss to love their parents
(2) To encourage the Ss to care for people around them
Teaching procedure:
I. Pre-reading
1. Play the song “You raise me up” for the students and enjoy it with them.
2. Ask some students to say something about their parents.
II. While-reading
1. Let the Ss list some questions according to the title of the passage.
2. Let the Ss skim the passage.
(1) Choose the correct sentences and fill in the blanks.
(2) Match the sentences with the paragraphs.
3. Let the Ss scan the passage.
(1) Paragraph 1: Read and tell whether the statements are “True” or “False”.
(2) Paragraph 2: Ask and answer.


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